Welcome The Librarians!

If you follow me on social media, you would see that I have been introducing a new line of candles that are coming on February 1st. I have been so nervous and excited to introduce these candles to you.
First, a little bit of back story. If you didn't know I have a youtube channel and an Instagram where I talk all about books, Life is a Page Turner. Books are a major part of my life and they always have been, which is how I got to Page Turning Products as my business name.
I started to do some bookish candles, but not enough and that's going to change this year as well. Anyway! I got this idea of doing very specific candles that had their own backstory, personality, and image. Now, I absolutely love unicorns. They are just such an amazing fantastical animal that just always emit happiness whenever you see them.
So, I had to find a way to bring my love of unicorns and my love of books together and that is how I got my Librarians! Libraries and librarians are important aspects of reading and providing a resource for the community to have access to knowledge and information. They are also keepers of the knowledge and have been for centuries. To pay homage to the libraries, I have named the four staple librarians after famous libraries from around the world. Without further ado, let me introduce to you the Librarians.